Welcome to the FactBar EDU for "voter literacy" and participation

The Finnish fact-checking organisation Faktabaari (FactBar) has since 2017 adapted professional fact-checking methods for school environments with educators to cover the elections. Join us 13.11. to learn how and evaluate the potential for FactBar EDU?

**Update: **FactBar EDU manual: Fact-checking for Educators and future voters #voterliteracy lauched 13.11.2018 for consultations (feedback: desk@factbar.eu ).

While Faktabaari sees methodological fact-checking already as such  encouraging critical thinking, Faktabaari #EDU voter literacy project has pushed us further.

The EDU voter literacy project first made our fact-checking method even more transparent and recent fact-checks to include more justifications to the choices and tools applied. Secondly the co-operating with professional teachers enables to adapt elements to school curricula - for future voters.  As a result we believe our joint efforts with French Finnish school provide a promising pilot for a distinct media literacy stream we call “voter literacy”.

The novelty comes on building to existing and growing work of transparent fact-checking while building on knowledge on media literacy in a digital environment. We introduce methodological fact-checking to future voters and empower the future voters and their educators with tools. We encourage them to think and check themselves while providing examples, collecting already made materials and existing open source verification tools. Tools that researchers and journalist use to build trust and skills to resist a potentially self-fulfilling labels like “F*kenews” with transparency driven quality.

Tuesday 13.11. we will present the first ever teacher-kit and tested materials to combine systematically fact-checking and media literacy in Finland.

The EC online disinformation communication compatible idea is to develop a part-solution for European approach to tackle online disinfomation in European FactBar EDU network empowering (future) voters?

As a pilot workshop case teachers have chosen European elections May 2019 as it unites all EU-27 citizens and will have a significant impact also to the lives of future voters. The French Finnish school teachers chose European election focused workshop with a view to incentivize future voters to study the elections supported with school environment for important follow-up debate and sustainable learning method.

The workshop exercise stems from the first ever fact-checking teacher-kit compatible to a world known and lately revised Finnish educational curricula with a view to start a debate on scalability. What could be applied to the simple transparency principle driven approach to foster truth seeking and participation among the youth. The next generation that will adapt the democracy to the digital age including their new media habits and with the support of the privacy protection Europe tries to show example when fighting  information disorders and protecting freedom of speech.

As a basis for a European pilot we provide 13.11. a translated “FactBar EDU handbook” including simple “traffic sign” framework to abandon “F*ake news” with Information disorder compatible framework.

FactBar EDU traffic signs for mis-, dis- and malinformation vocabulary needs needs then to be domesticated for respected languages and audiences by the users.


Dear educators,

Welcome to build a FactBar voter literacy approach from the bottom-up pilot. See you 13.11. for debate and action.

Mikko Salo, Faktabaari Founder, Member of the independent High-level group on “Fake news” and online disinformation

Kari Kivinen, Director of the French Finnish school of Helsinki & the former Secretary-General of the European school network

More: www.faktabaari.fi/edu



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